Hez Energy is an energy company, which has 4 piece 22581.54 hectares area on the Buyuk Menderes Graben in Aydin and Denizli, 1 piece 2478.7 hectares area on the Gediz Graben in Manisa province Alasehir, 1 piece 4962.81 hectares in Bilecik and 3 piece 12410.95 hectares in Nigde, invests in a total of 9 geothermal license areas and 42434 hectares.
- Adress: Moralı Mah. Tariş Küme Evleri Mevkii Ortaklar No:118 Germencik / Aydın / Turkey
- E-Mail: iletisim@hezenerji.com